ProdottiPacchi per motori lineari
e nuclei per diverse applicazioniprodotti

Pacchi per motori lineari di diverse taglie a profilo diritto o curvo, saldati o incollati, completi di foratura e rettifica lato di appoggio.

Nuclei per trasformatori e stirrer, completi di testate pressapacco, tiranti, lavorazioni meccaniche e trattamenti superficiali dove richiesto.

Tecnologia all'avanguardia

I nostri impianti sono dotati di una sorgente fibra personalizzata su nostra precisa specifica, con un diametro del fascio ben inferiore a quello dei più tradizionali impianti generici per la lavorazione della lamiera. Un fascio laser così sottile permette di ottenere particolari molto complessi con estrema accuratezza e precisione. Inoltre, la potenza è talmente bassa da non permettere alcun surriscaldamento superficiale.
Vai al prossimo prodotto

Lamierini tagliati laser

Vai al prossimo prodotto

Lamierini tagliati laser

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Discover how we can contribute to your performancecontatti



Quickly coordinate e-business applications through revolutionary catalysts for change. Seamlessly underwhelm optimal testing procedure processes.


Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource-leveling processes. Objectively pursue diverse catalysts for change for interoperable meta-services.


Dramatically engage high-payoff infomediaries rather than client-centric imperatives. Efficiently initiate world class applications after centric infomediaries.


Phosfluorescently expedite impactful supply chains via focused results. Holistically generate open-source applications through bleeding-edge sources.
Amwerk founder and owner

Travis Kirkpatrick

As a family owned and operated company we are hands on business owners and intimately involved in daily operations. Time on the shop floor interacting with employees is routine, promoting their development and be proud of their work.
Winner of 2019 best manufacturing business
Over 20+ fabrication patents owned
Degree and thesis on fabrication manufacturing

Travis Kirkpatrick, Owner

People trust Amwerk products and services

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Amwerk has experienced great growth over the years, but we’ve strived to maintain a family atmosphere where employees can thrive and succeed. Without a doubt, the people behind Amwerk are the cornerstone of our company’s success.

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